Friday, July 19, 2013

Why exercise is important for staying healthy

I recently attended and is part of a couple of conferences in the UK, on ​​"Exercise is Medicine". The aim of these events is to raise awareness and promote the role of exercise and physical activity in the prevention and treatment of disease.

The "Exercise is good for you" phrase starts all the time. Your doctor will tell you, the school teacher will tell you, the active friend, the initiative of the government and the country, the article in the newspaper and so on, everyone will say the same ...

What they do not preach that "exercise" is bad for you. Exercise is much more than stay in shape or stay in shape and not added to the extra health. In all exercises of surprise is part of the "health" and may have a number of medicinal functions.

Note: Exercise and physical activity can mean two different things, but only for the purposes of this article, the terms are inextricably linked.

Fat Set V

The obesity epidemic has been widely discussed and article after article raised awareness about the health consequences of being overweight and / or obese. What is not suitable?

Apparently, it is equally important and it is argued, can sometimes be more important. Prof. S. Blair, University of South Carolina argued that physical inactivity is more important than obesity as a public health problem and the "unfit" are 5 times more likely to die prematurely.

On the same note in the journal The Lancet published in 2012 stated that 6-10% of non-communicable diseases is attributed to lack of physical activity.

Some scientists argue that it is better to be fit and overweight than thin and unfit. I will not take the importance of maintaining a healthy weight. Physical activity is not an excuse for not caring what you eat and your weight. There is still much research to be done in many areas, and as I always say, it is much more complicated than black and white.


Approximately two-thirds of people with rheumatoid arthritis also suffer from rheumatoid cachexia, which is the loss of muscle mass. Rheumatoid arthritis alone or in combination with muscle loss can have adverse effects on the overall health and increase the risk of mortality.

Often, people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis avoid strenuous exercise. Fear of pain may be a reason and do not know the year is usually the most common one. People with rheumatoid arthritis are encouraged to move forward, to remain mobile as long as possible and avoid joint stiffness, but often not given specific advice exercise.

But what about taking progressive resistance training? Conventional treatment standard not seem to prevent cachexia in rheumatoid arthritis and drug therapies do not appear to increase results.

However, studies of the formation of progressive forces seem positive return and increase muscle mass results. In addition, studies show no reports that exercise increases the pain.

Anti-Aging Properties

Exercise will keep you young! This has a number of medicinal properties, but mostly it's a natural way to keep young and fresh! Ok I admit a little vain. Exercise has a number of anti-aging properties indirectly through cardio-respiratory systems improved, the supply of oxygen to tissues and so on.

However, studies have suggested that exercise is actually a molecular level and may delay cellular aging and death.

Averaging period can affect the aging of cells, protecting the end of DNA called telomere shortening. These pieces of DNA end are mainly protecting DNA (our genetic code).

Telomere shortening and will take place with age (in simple words) and fat cause excessive cell death. The exercise is supposed to curb the extreme shortening of DNA and keep cells mainly young.

Another form of exercise affects cells is protection against "oxidative stress". Although exercise effectively induces oxidative stress, studies suggest that it has a protective effect.

In simple words the cells adapt to the "oxidative stress" that induced by exercise and therefore be able to deal with it better. Oxidative stress is connected with aging, because it gets slower.

Mental Health

Mental health illness is not always visible, often forgotten and neglected. However, it can be as debilitating as other diseases, and is estimated to affect 450 million people worldwide and 1-6 people develop depression at some point in their lives.

pharmacological treatments for mental health disorders are often associated with the development of chronic diseases such as weight and metabolic dysfunction, diabetes and cardiovascular disease that further increase the risk of mortality. Effective treatment or effective best prevention is very important.

Research has long shown evidence that aerobic exercise to help reduce anxiety, stress and depression. There are some assumptions about how this is done. Some theories focus on the direct and indirect physiological effects on other physiological parameters such as entertainment and social interaction.

In general, exercise can help improve mood, self-esteem, reduce anxiety and depression, and cognitive function. These are just some of the many benefits of exercise on mental health and is certainly one way to go.

Immune System

Although it is generally held that exercise boosts the immune system so that more has the opposite effect. During and immediately after intense exercise session immune system tends to be suppressed.

According to the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (bases), the immune system is weakened 3 24h after acute episodes of exercise lasting 1.5 hours or more. In addition, intensive training in elite athletes is supposed to lead to a lack of immunity (immune).

However, regular moderate exercise can reduce new infections. The mechanisms are not well understood and most things different things play a role in the immune stimulatory effect of exercise. In general, studies have shown that people who take regular, moderate physical activity tend to report fewer colds and infections.


In addition to the areas mentioned above, exercise can have almost all systems of the body positive effects. Adding exercise into daily life can improve health, protection against disease and improve well-being.

However, what is more important is that lack of physical activity can actually kill. So while exercise is medicine and, in many cases, low-cost, it is something to think about when we need treatment, but this is something that should be part of our lives, the food and drink and the air.


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