Saturday, September 21, 2013

6 Tips to Boost Mood and Metabolism

What you eat can have an effect on mood and metabolism. Find out what to eat to increase your energy and mood .
By making a few simple adjustments to your diet, you can elevate your mood and increase your metabolism. The benefits are potentially huge : Keep a good attitude will help you follow a healthy diet , become more productive and increase their self-esteem.
Metabolism is the process your body uses to break down food . "Securing your metabolism works more will actually help you feel better and full of energy to get the most out of life ," says Nicole Berkowitz , RD, nutrition consultant in Toronto , Canada.

Here are six simple tips to help you optimize your diet to improve mood and metabolism.

1. Resist skipping meals

Jumping or skipping a meal can cause a drop in your blood sugar in the blood , resulting in a bad mood and lethargy. Keep your levels of blood sugar and energy by eating small amounts of food throughout the day. You might even prefer to eat six small meals instead of three large ones.

Two . Stay hydrated

Dehydration can also make you feel sluggish and lethargic. Make sure you take every day, and do not rely on thirst to remind you a glass of water alone. Some experts say that the average person needs about eight glasses of water , which can be difficult to drink without reminders.

Three . Think moderation, especially for foods of low nutritional value

Avoid caffeine , refined carbohydrates (sugar ), alcohol , salt and other food additives. All of them, especially in large quantities , may decrease the efficiency of their metabolism. " Eating large amounts of carbohydrates tends to cause a surge of energy and then a crash , which can lead to poor morale and fatigue ," said Heidi McIndoo , MS , RD, nutrition consultant Roslindale, MA excess salt may alter fluid balance , changing your daily water needs , not to mention increasing health risks such as hypertension.

April . The struggle to balance the food you eat

Properly combine protein, carbohydrates , fat and achieve a balanced energy intake . In general , a healthy diet includes a mix of whole grains, fruits and vegetables and protein , but each person has different needs based on age, sex, physical activity level , body size and stress factors . To determine the best foods for you, consult a nutritionist who can help you find the right balance.

May . Get a boost " good mood " Food

Although research on mood and stimulate metabolism of the qualities of certain foods is mixed, an amino acid found in tryptophan -rich foods to increase serotonin levels in the brain , contributing to a sense of optimism and calm. Add some bananas, avocados, apricots, walnuts , sunflower seeds , pumpkin seeds or some extra tryptophan . Omega - 3 fatty acids help improve mood and reduce anxiety and depression. Search fat omega-3 rich fish like salmon and mackerel , walnuts and pumpkin seeds are also sources of these healthy fats .

June . Keep a food diary

Some foods may have the opposite effect and instead of tryptophan trigger negative changes in mood and cause irritability and headaches . If you think a particular food can affect your mood, start a food diary . Write down all the foods you eat each day and how you feel before and after each meal . After two weeks , check the input to see if food is aligned with specific environments , whether good or bad.

In addition to following a healthy diet , regular exercise will keep your body works more efficiently and increase both your mood and metabolism. The key message is balance. With a variety of healthy foods from a dose of exercise will help you maintain your energy , increase metabolism and improve your mood

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tips to Have Good Physical and Mental Condition

Good physical and mental health is essential to achieve better health . These two things are important to stay healthy and productive. You need a good physical health to perform physical activities you need to do. Good mental health is important in making decisions about certain things .

Good physical health will keep you away from diseases and make it look better. Keep your confidence and high self - satisfaction. Mental health is essential to maintaining excellent sound reasoning and critical thinking. There are some things you can do to avoid these two aspects of your health .


You should take note of the things you want to accomplish in your physical and mental health . You must make specific, measurable , realistic and time-limited so you will have a guide on what you do. Learn to identify your strengths and weaknesses to give you an idea of ​​this space , you will improve .

Increasing physical activity

Exercise is a good way to maintain a healthy mind and body in shape. Physical activity will help you achieve your desired body and therefore feel better about yourself . It is also during physical activities happy hormone produced in large quantities in the brain.

You can try running, swimming and aerobics . You can also participate in group activities to make you feel less isolated . Group activities are good for staying motivated in everything you do . Always remember to do it regularly and religiously exercise.

Exercise your brain OFTEN

The brain is one of the most important organs of your body because it controls most bodily functions . You can try puzzles and quizzes to keep your brain active and stimulated . You can read books and magazines to keep up with the latest trends.

It feels good

Always remember that you have to keep a positive attitude at all . Learn to love yourself for who you really are. Avoid self-pity and just be happy with what you have. Do not think negative things that can keep you cool . It always feels good and keep the bad thoughts .

Good physical and mental health is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle . You must maintain a balance so that you can achieve a good life. We must make an effort for you to do . Must be regulated so that you can see positive results.

It is essential to have good health. Treadmill Improve your health and have a happier life

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Healthy Eating: 6 Practical Tips for Better Digestive Health

Eating the right foods can help prevent digestive problems and stomach ailments. Your lifestyle and diet affect the way your body digests the food you eat. Add more fiber, drink more water and exercise all contribute to a better digestive health. Some dietary changes can often go a long way to contribute to your overall well -being and keep your digestive system working well . Here are six simple tips to improve digestive health :

Eating foods high in fiber

Research shows that a diet rich in whole grains and high in fiber can improve your digestive health. Fiber-rich foods can also help prevent or treat various digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome , constipation and diverticulitis . If you want to lose excess fat and maintain a healthy weight, eating a diet rich in fiber will support your efforts to lose weight.

healthy Eating

To improve your digestive health is not only important to choose the right foods, but eating the right way. Avoid eating while watching television. Try to eat four or five small meals instead of three large ones. Reduce the size of the portions. This reduces the ability of the stomach and helps to avoid overloading the digestive system.

Eating Schedule

Eat meals and snacks on a regular basis is a great way to maintain your weight and keep your digestive system in good condition. Take the time to eat, even if you are busy.

Prepare meals at home

If you have a sensitive stomach or if you want to stick to your diet , prepare your meals at home. Food preparation can be fun and enjoyable. Encourage your family to help in the kitchen and try new recipes . Think of your diet in terms of color , freshness and variety rather than being overly concerned with counting calories .

Drink more fluids

Drink water and fresh juice helps your body get rid of waste and digest the food you eat more efficiently. In this way, give your digestive system, the moisture it needs to function properly .

Avoid foods that can cause digestive problems

Certain foods can irritate the stomach and cause celiac disease , constipation, heartburn , inflammatory bowel disease and other common problems. Avoid eating spicy foods , wheat , cabbage , beans , fried foods , dairy products (if you are lactose intolerant ) . Eliminate caffeine and alcohol from your diet. Choose lean and limits that are high in fat meats, because it slows the digestive process.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ayurveda Tips for Good Health and Healthy Life

Ayurveda is the science of knowledge that balances life through diet. According to Ayurveda everything about our body type and diet we take. Any imbalance in this can lead to problems. So to stay fit in life , you must have a good routine . Follow the steps in ayurveda for good health and healthy lifestyle .

Ayurveda Tips

in the morning

Start your day with the sun to stay in shape. Brush your teeth and massage the teeth and gums with sesame oil . After drinking a glass of warm water. Empty your bladder and bowels to release toxics and waste from the body . Body massage with hot oil ( pitta : coconut, vata : sesame , kapha : almond ) . After 30 minutes of taking a bath. Doing yoga and meditation and healthy breakfast.

A mid- day

Bring your lunch between 12 and 13 hours. Sit in silence for at least five minutes after the meal . Then it takes about 108 steps of brisk walking . This will help in easy digestion of food .

in the afternoon

Meditate before the sun sets . Enjoy dinner from 6-7 PM .

for night

Do not watch TV for a long time at night and avoid any form of stress, such as the fight or action during this period. Go to bed before 22 o'clock . Your sleep time and the last meal should have a difference of at least 3 hours.

Ayurveda Health Natural Tips to keep fit

Drinking hot water throughout the day . This is because the frequency of the water is much more important than quantity . This requires a small amount of water after every hour or half hour .

Do some form of exercise daily to stay healthy. But not too much effort . After each exercise is important to sternous relaxation exercise Ayurveda health tips .

You will be rejuvenated with body oil massage . Get the massage oil per day. If this is not possible , then take the massage oil on your vacation. Has calming effect on your vata .

Ayurvedic Massage / Massage Ayurvedic / is important for the body , skin and mind that many harmful chemicals are released after that.

Ayurveda general health advice when necessary for simple and casual meals for good health .

Eat when you're hungry.

Do not read or watch TV while eating. Sit quietly and in a relaxed posture while eating your meal.

Do not skip breakfast and avoid heavy meals at night.

Whenever possible , eat fresh .

You must go to the purification of your body with each season . This is done by jumping from regular food. During this period , we recommend a very light diet with plenty of hot water. This increases the digestive power .

Apart from all the exercise and food, have a good sleep . If you can not sleep then ayurveda general health tips recommends you take a hot bath , body massage with ayurvedic oil , light meals in the evening , listening to soothing music and very light . According to Ayurveda health tips should go to bed before 22 o'clock .

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Controlling Blood Sugar at Meals

Control of blood glucose control begins with your diet. For this it is necessary to develop healthy lifestyles and smart.
Glycemic control is the key to controlling diabetes. With type 2 diabetes , the control of blood glucose is difficult because its body is resistant to insulin. Insulin resistance prevents the cells of your body to be able to use and store sugar from your diet. But looking at what and how much you eat and when you can effectively control blood sugar and control diabetes .

What is the importance of a proper diet to control blood sugar in diabetes ? A recent study published in The Lancet in against newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes individuals were assigned to a standard diet for diabetics newly diagnosed individuals assigned to a system of "intensive" . The group was supported nursing education intensive feeding and monthly . After six months of intense diet group had improved glycemic control , while the standard control group had worsened.

Glycemic control with diet : the basics

" The first thing to do is sit down with your doctor or dietitian to find the right number of calories your individual power ," says Shannon Knapp , RN , CDE , certified diabetes educator at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. The number of calories you need depends in part on their actual body weight over your ideal weight.

Here are some healthy diet tips Knapp used to help people with diabetes better manage and control your blood sugar :

Eat three meals a day spaced about four to five hours away. " And try to eat at the same time every day," says Knapp .
Do not skip meals.
Avoid sugar "potable" . "Drinks with added calories deplete permitted without the addition of nutrients to your diet " sugar, explained Knapp .
Watch your portions. " Test Method Idaho plate for portion control. You can fill your plate with non-starchy vegetables , half , quarter starch , proteins and fourth ," said Knapp , " and you can add a small piece of fruit and dairy products . "
Coordinate your medications with your lunch is also important to control blood sugar , but talk to your doctor. " Some medications should be taken before meals , some meals later , and some do not matter , if the timing of meals and medication is important, but different for each one," says Knapp .
Use a smartphone. " There are many smartphone apps that can help people to count calories and carbohydrates ," says Knapp . If you have a smartphone, ask your doctor or diabetes educator to recommend certain applications healthy diet for you ..
The best foods to control blood sugar

The method of Idaho plate rests on a plate filled nine inches one inch high . It is designed to give about 1400 calories a day and 45 grams of carbohydrates per meal . Work with a dietitian or diabetes educator to design meals to suit your needs. Start with these tips:

Avoid simple carbohydrates like sweets , honey and syrup. These carbohydrates are glucose control more difficult.
Eating a variety of foods from all food groups .
Ensure that less than 30 percent of their calories from fat.
When filling half your plate with vegetables , pick vegetables colorful as lettuce, peppers , beets , tomatoes and green beans.
When you fill a quarter of your plate with protein, choose lean meats, poultry , fish and tofu.
When you fill a quarter of your plate with starch , opt for fiber-rich options such as whole grains, beans, lentils.
For snacks or desserts , good choices are a small piece of fruit, a cup of milk , six ounces of yogurt, or half a cup of sugar pudding .
Fruits , vegetables and whole grains are complex carbohydrates . They are better for a diabetes diet because they are high in fiber . This means they are digested more slowly , control your hunger , and are less likely to cause changes of high or low blood sugar.

Finally , carefully monitor blood sugar and tell your doctor if you have problems . Monitoring your blood sugar can be done more often when you are sick or if you have changed your diet. Working closely with your doctor and other health care providers of diabetes can help you learn basic diet healthy. Before you know it, you will be well on your way to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, control blood sugar and manage diabetes successfully.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Staples Super food diet for good health

Super foods provide the kind of nutrients and health benefits that are far beyond what ordinary food supply and their phytonutrients and antioxidants are high enough to help fight the disease successfully . These foods have no medical or legal definition , however , but this does not diminish the tremendous positive impact on the human body .

Below is a list of super useful staple food you can choose from. Better yet try everything because the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables in the last census was seven .

Broccoli is rich in vitamins A and C , beta - carotene and fiber and an excellent agent for cancer prevention .
Beans are low in calories and low in fat and high in protein , help to control the levels of sugar in the blood weight . Beans are also full of B vitamins, iron and fiber .
The berries are powerful antioxidants , full of vitamin C , are high in glucose, which is very good for memory. The berries are actually considered food for the brain and one of the best foods to preserve the brain.
Garlic is good for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol , and contain some cancer-fighting properties .
Oats are a rich source of fiber and safely be used to reduce cholesterol method .
Green tea has antioxidant properties and helps fight cholesterol and increases the metabolic rate . This helps to reduce your weight.
Olive oil is good for cleaning clogged arteries , giving you younger looking skin and also acts as an antioxidant.
Oranges As we all know a lot of vitamin C , which helps reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease .
Pumpkin is often overlooked as a vegetable until Thanksgiving time ! However, you can help keep your skin young and prevent damage caused by the sun's harmful rays .
There are many super foods based diets , you can choose from but the ones shown here will get you started .

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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Chinese Food - The best choice for good health

Chinese food is very good for health as it is cooked with the aim of improving health benefits , such as long life , healing powers and medicinal value . It requires a good knowledge and experience to prepare Asian cuisine . It is cooked with polyunsaturated oils without dairy ingredients like cream, butter or cheese are used . Although the meat is used , is not used to avoid excessively large quantities of animal fat and cholesterol . This food is called authentic Chinese cuisine , which is actually a perfect diet for good health . The traditional food must include rice, noodles and vegetables.

How to serve the food is also very special . It's almost obligatory to cut food into small pieces before serving , and no knives at the dinner table. The right combination of things like herbs and spices is very important. The food should be of a color and texture tempting and should be enjoyed in peace . You can choose from a wide variety of dishes with different nutritional values ​​. Chicken or beef and vegetables are a good combination. You can have cashew chicken or beef and broccoli instead of fried dishes like sesame chicken . These dishes are very nutritious , while traditional foods like mine with noodles soaked in oil , fats and carbohydrates are not good for health.

Take brown rice instead of fried rice to prevent high cholesterol and carbohydrates. Soy sauce and other foods high in sodium additives are mainly used in Chinese cooking . But as you know , a lot of sodium is harmful , avoid too much sauce and vegetables and pass steamed or sauteed dishes with little or no oil . To reduce calories from fat, have a healthy diet containing vegetables dishes with sauces and some steamed rice . Taking fortune cookies at the end of the meal would be great.

Finally, a Chinese cuisine with plenty of vegetables , peas and low in salt is considered a health food . The quality of food also depends on your choice of options , either a low price or a high -end restaurant . The server or the manager would also be willing to provide guidance on the type of food and its nutritional value. So it is very important for your health to choose the right place and the right thing to eat .

Use only Chinese food Locator to find some of the best Chinese restaurants in the city.

Also, find more informative articles, Chinese cooking recipes , and tips on how to cook Chinese food to discover the rich taste of Chinese cuisine.