Eating foods high in fiber
Research shows that a diet rich in whole grains and high in fiber can improve your digestive health. Fiber-rich foods can also help prevent or treat various digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome , constipation and diverticulitis . If you want to lose excess fat and maintain a healthy weight, eating a diet rich in fiber will support your efforts to lose weight.
healthy Eating
To improve your digestive health is not only important to choose the right foods, but eating the right way. Avoid eating while watching television. Try to eat four or five small meals instead of three large ones. Reduce the size of the portions. This reduces the ability of the stomach and helps to avoid overloading the digestive system.
Eating Schedule
Eat meals and snacks on a regular basis is a great way to maintain your weight and keep your digestive system in good condition. Take the time to eat, even if you are busy.
Prepare meals at home
If you have a sensitive stomach or if you want to stick to your diet , prepare your meals at home. Food preparation can be fun and enjoyable. Encourage your family to help in the kitchen and try new recipes . Think of your diet in terms of color , freshness and variety rather than being overly concerned with counting calories .
Drink more fluids
Drink water and fresh juice helps your body get rid of waste and digest the food you eat more efficiently. In this way, give your digestive system, the moisture it needs to function properly .
Avoid foods that can cause digestive problems
Certain foods can irritate the stomach and cause celiac disease , constipation, heartburn , inflammatory bowel disease and other common problems. Avoid eating spicy foods , wheat , cabbage , beans , fried foods , dairy products (if you are lactose intolerant ) . Eliminate caffeine and alcohol from your diet. Choose lean and limits that are high in fat meats, because it slows the digestive process.
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