In September, in the mid-Atlantic region, the leaves on the trees begin to change color before they float to the ground. Many plants go to seed; their energy sinks into the roots. Where you live, the changing may not be so dramatically different, but each season has its own uniqueness.
According to Chinese medicine, good health stems from being in balance with nature.The changing seasons affect the body, mind and spirit. So as you prepare your fall wardrobe and shift your outer appearance, it's also good to plan ways to take care of your body and internal well-being.
Ancient Chinese wisdom says that each season has a particular rhythm that corresponds to different organs in the body. Autumn corresponds to the lungs, large intestine and skin.
It's a good time to use a skin brush to exfoliate dead cells and stimulate your immune system. You may want to go to a spa for a salt scrub, mud-wrap, lymphatic cleanse, or facial, to rid your system of toxins. It's also an excellent time for acupuncture treatments to relieve allergies and transition into different weather patterns with ease.
Each season also corresponds to different emotions. The cycle of autumn is about releasing the past, grieving about what's been lost, or healing old emotional scripts. So if you're feeling blue, Bach flower remedies can help.
Honeysuckle can make it easier to let go of the past and live in the present. The essence star of Bethlehem calms and soothes after experiencing a tragedy. Mustard can help relieve moodiness.
As we move toward autumn we adapt to less daylight and colder temperatures, so our diet should change as well. Even though most kinds of foods are available at the supermarket all year, it doesn't mean those choices are the best for optimal health. We need to get energy from food. But we need more than just calories, vitamins and minerals. It's important to eat fruits and vegetables that are in season, to extract their vitality or chi (Life-force energy).
A trip to your local farmers market can tell you what's fresh and has just been picked. Fall is traditionally harvest time in the Mid-Atlantic region. Nature gives a last gift before the barrenness of winter sets in.
So as you put away the summer shorts and don long sleeve shirts and sweaters, you can also observe the plants around you, view the changing constellations in the sky, or watch the different levels of sunlight, to be in harmony with your environment.
Djuna Wojton provides telephone and in-person astrological and spiritual healing sessions to improve your well-being. With over two decades of experience as a spiritual healer and counselor, she can help you see the bigger picture on difficult relationships, gain clarity, make better choices and move forward in life. Please visit her website http://www.djunaverse.com/ to learn more about her services or her book, Karmic Healing: Clearing Past-Life Blocks to Present-Day Love, Health and Happiness; or to sign up for her free newsletter.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Djuna_Wojton
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