Yoga is a form of exercise which was started about 3000 years ago in India. The word comes from a word of Sanskrit "Yuj". This means union or to concentrate the attention of a person and to direct. In simple terms one can say this form of exercise is concentrating the body and mind to bind them to God. This is actually done to discipline the soul, emotion and mind so that a person connects with their individual spirit which is an element of the Spirit that is universally supreme.
This form of exercise is done to concentrate the energy into productive channels. The person who obeys the teaching of this exercise is known to be a yogi. There are various forms of this exercise.
Various forms of Yoga
There are namely 8 different kinds of Yoga:
- Karma which focuses giving up themselves and not expecting rewards for it.
- Jnana is the philosophical methodology to opening the world's illusion.
- Bhakti focuses on networking emotional energy for spiritual practice.
- Raja focuses on mind control and on the concentration.
- Hatha or gentle focuses on flexibility and long stretches with slow and deep breathing. This yogic breathing is said to be the "Pranayama".
- Kundalini works on eight chakras of the body. With the breath of fire a person can heat their bodies.
- Vinayasa is a series of movements which are rapid to give warmth all over the body.
Points to remember before doing Yoga
Yoga is a fantastic way of exercise, but it is not for everyone. If a person decides to go for this form of exercise, they need to decide on their health, time lifestyle, money and difficulty.
- Health - It strengthens the cardiovascular system and muscles. This form of exercise is recommended for pregnant women, elderly and overweight people.
- Difficulty - Doing this form of exercise is not easy as it has some difficulty level.
- Lifestyle - Some people adopt a strict lifestyle for this form of exercise but there is no pressure to do so.
- Time - One must give time every day to practice this kind of exercise. One must give almost 45 minutes for doing this kind of exercise.
- Money - One has to take classes to learn the exercise. There are also CDs for those who want to do it at home.
This is one of the best form of exercise which helps to control the body with the help of meditation. The popularity of yoga has largely grown today.
You can learn Yoga from health clubs. Click here to know more about Raleigh yoga.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sooraj_Surendran
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