Saturday, August 24, 2013

The 10 Benefits of Calcium

You know calcium is about 1.5 to 2 percent by weight of our real bodies? Well, we are all familiar with a milk mustache (reminiscent of childhood). The milk is often related to calcium, which is important for the development of bones and teeth. However, the benefits of calcium is more than that, and plays a vital role in the health of the body in many other ways. 99% calcium in the bones and teeth, and the other one percent plays a role in other bodily functions such as nerve transmission and muscle function.

Calcium Category: Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI)
0-12 months 525 mg / day
1-3 years 350 mg / day
4-6 years 450 mg / day
7-10 years 550 mg / day
11 to 18 years (girls) 800 mg / day
11-18 years (males) 1000 mg / day
Adult 700 mg / day
Let's look at the top 10 benefits of this wonderful gift of nature:
Foods such as cheese, beans, broccoli, salmon, yogurt, brown rice, orange, cabbage and peas are a good source of calcium.

Calcium uses:

These are the benefits of calcium.

1. bone development:
Calcium helps prevent osteoporosis. Calcium is the most important for developing strong bones of nutrients, especially for children and young adults. Calcium absorption and bone development is at its peak until age 20, and gradually decreased thereafter. Adequate calcium and vitamin D helps to increase bone mass in growing children and young adults.

Two. Kidney Stones

Some say that calcium leads to kidney stones, but this is a myth. Research now shows that calcium protects against damaging extremely painful kidney stones from the body wall.

Three. Pre premenstrual syndrome (PMS):

Related searches PMS show that low calcium and vitamin D can lead to calcium react negatively with estrogen and progesterone to trigger PMS. Doctors recommend daily 1,000 milligrams of calcium and between 1,000 and 2,000 units of vitamin D in the case of intake of PMS.

[Read: Sources of vitamin D and failure]

April. Blood pressure:

Regular consumption of calcium from natural sources or supplements helps to regulate or reduce blood pressure. This is also useful in curing hypertension.

May. Cancer:

Antioxidant-rich diet prevents cancer, but research shows good evidence that calcium can help get rid of colorectal cancers, ovarian and breast cancer.

June. Cardiovascular disease:

The intake of adequate calcium in the diet may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension. The heart and blood vessels are interconnected by our nervous system. Calcium deficiency can lead to heart problems and high blood pressure.

July. Healthy smile:

Calcium is an important element in the healthy jaw bone and holds the teeth in place. However, calcium needs phosphorus to the maximum benefit of strengthening bones. Teeth children need proper calcium and phosphorus to form a strong growth pattern. Calcium gives heals jaw bone and protects against damage to the tooth. Bacteria and tartar easily become good oral health conditions.

[Read: Foods rich in phosphorus]

August. Balance to alkaline pH:

Processed sugars, soft drinks and junk food are very acidic in the body of the pH scale. They can cause hypertension and kidney stones. Calcium can avoid this problem and make the body less acidic.

9. Chronic Disease

Calcium plays a very important role in the fight against chronic diseases. Increased calcium intake can lead to reduced risk of certain chronic diseases.

10. Weight Loss:

Calcium helps to increase the metabolism rate. Calcium prevents weight gain because it burns your fat and small amounts of fat.

Some important tips for calcium intake:

Avoid excessive calcium intake, as it may damage your health.
Consult your doctor before taking supplements.
Calcium deficiency can cause cramps, joint pain, palpitations, increased cholesterol, low pulse rate, insomnia, impaired growth, excessive irritability, brittle nails, eczema, numbness or tingling in the arms and / or legs.
Pregnant women should include a good amount of calcium in your diet.
Calcium should be obtained from natural sources.


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